About Us
Turning Interest Into Action
Little girl project is a campaign and project to bring awareness and change to our society regarding child abuse, sexual abuse and bullying.
Children nowadays are brought up in horrific circumstances with adults who are unhealed and incapable of giving the safety, care and love that every child needs and deserves.
Founder: ¨My name is Scharliina Eräpuro, I am a 23 year old artist, activist, entrepreneur, actress, model and songwriter. I am in charge of this project. I grew up in a very insecure home. I experienced violence and abuse from adults, both mentally, physically, and sexually. I was also bullied in school when I defended others. I have always had the enthusiasm and ambition to strive for justice. We should all do that. I have found my way to heal and cope with what I have experienced through my creativity. My creative expressions helped me heal. For this reason, I am inspired to create awareness and help others through this.
I had hopes in my healing, that there needed to be a purpose for the suffering, injustice and pain I experienced. And so I found it. Though funding this project. My goal is to help other victims find back home within themself, and in the long term be able to educate others and help prevent the children of our future to experience any type of violence and abuse in our communities.
If not me, then who. If not now, when?